Operator of this website:
Schleich GmbH
St. Martin Straße 102
81669 München
T: +49 (0) 89 678058100
Entered in the commercial register of Munich Register Court (Registergericht) under the commercial register number HRB 299266
represented by the managing directors:
Stefan De Loecker
Martin Kaltenbach
VAT ID no.: GB 290609003
Delivery and return of goods:
WEHNER Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
c/o Schleich GmbH
Carl-Leverkus-Straße 15-17
D – 40764 Langenfeld
The content made available for retrieval via our website is largely protected under copyright, trademark and design law. Any use of the content which goes beyond the retrieval of web pages is permitted only if we have expressly consented in writing. This also applies in particular to the use of product illustrations.
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The European Union has set up an online platform (“OS platform”) for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. The OS platform is to serve as an initiak point of contact for out-of-court settlement of disputes involving contractual obligations deriving from online purchase contracts. You can find the platform at